The Adtel Home Solar Kit - the alternative energy source right in your very own home.
In this modern age, the need for an alternative energy source is evidently growing. As of today in the Philippines, most of our power is supplied though coal fire power plants, crude oil and geothermal energy (cited from a statistical report from website). And, as the Philippine population steadily grows, so too is the need for more energy.
And because of the steady rise in demand for energy, the faster our energy supplies will be consumed. To curb this rise in demand of consumers, energy distributors raise the price of electricity. (law of supply and demand)
To compensate for the demand, we should learn to harness alternative renewable sources of energy. One of the most promising alternative energy source is solar energy. Energy from the sun is clean, renewable and readily available. Through solar cells, energy from the sun can be collected, transformed into electrical energy (electricity) for home consumption and can be stored in batteries for future use. There are products out there in the market that provides a solution to a fast-growing need for an alternative power source. Adtel Home Solar Kit is one of them.
What is an Adtel Home Solar Kit?Introducing, the Adtel Home Solar Kit
The Adtel Solar Kit is an innovative product that allows you to store and use electricity collected from solar energy. The system comes with a 20-watt solar panel; a control box that includes an inverter, controller, cable and battery; a 2-W LED lamp; and an 11-W energy-saving lamp. components of the Adtel Home Solar Kit
The kit can store 200 Watts of power, which can be used to power up an electric fan (40W), a 21-inch TV (70w), a DVD player (30W) and a computer (60W), in addition to charging mobile phones and portable music players.
* information above taken from the Adtel Home Solar Kit blog. The above specs is the souped-up version of the Adtel Home Solar Kit.
There is also an economical version of the Solar Kit - a cheaper five-watt option. The solar home kit includes a control box and a 2W LED lamp and can power a three-volt radio and a cellphone charger. (taken from the blog)2) the solar kit is environment-friendly - As I mentioned above, most of our energy comes from power plants that use coal fire or crude oil. Because I use solar energy in my home, I am doing my part in saving the environment as well. Imagine if all of us used solar energy in our homes, less crude oil and coal will be burned. The overuse of crude oil and coal causes the greenhouse effect, one of the major culprits of global warming.
the Adtel Home solar kit can curb the use of coal fire and crude oil which affects global warming
It would be nice taking the Adtel Solar Kit to places like this where electric power is unavailable
This is where Adtel home solar kit comes in handy. With the Adtel home solar kit, I will be able to finish my work even with brownouts whether I use an ordinary desktop PC or a laptop. Laptops have a limited battery life, which is approximately two hours. With this product, I will be able to do your work beyond the laptop's 2 hour battery life span.
Furthermore, one can never tell what emergency life-and-death situations can come your way. Whether it is due to floods, a powerful typhoon or a devastating earthquake, the Adtel Home Solar Kit is a dependable tool for charging cellphones, radios, lamps, and many more appliances that are critical to survival.vital communication and electrical equipment can still be used even if there are brownouts caused by floods and typhoons.
To sum it up, the Adtel Home Solar Kit is something I would very much love to own. It can save money, the environment, your career, and your life as well.
This is my entry to the Adtel Home Solar Kit blog contest sponsored by For more information about this contest, feel free to visit the Adtel Home Solar Kit contest blog post. Deadline for this contest is on August 27, 2010.
The Adtel Home Solar Kit is very practical and economical, I believe all households should have it specially in times of emergencies. To get to know more about this product, feel free to visit this link at or at the Adtel Philippines website.
Please support my entry for this blog contest by clicking the Facebook "like" button directly below. The "likes" are also part of the contest criteria. Many thanks to all those who "liked" my entry! :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Why do I need an Adtel Home Solar Kit?
Why do I want to own an Adtel Home Solar Kit?
1) the solar kit is economical - The solar kit is a sound device that can help reduce my electricity costs. Because solar energy is absolutely free, I will be able to enjoy the benefits of using my household appliances like the TV, electric fan or computer without spending too much on my Meralco bills.
To demonstrate its practicality, I made a video showing why Adtel home solar kit is very useful specially for the younger generation. I thought about this skit because it already happened to me before.
My Adtel video commercial - "Last Minute Crunch"
It is a big hassle when unexpected situations occur during those times you need electricity the most. When you try to meet deadlines for projects, a brownout is the last thing you will ever need. During those bleak moments, you might not even have the option of going to your friend's place to work.
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