Join Pinay Mommy Online Thanksgiving Giveaway and get a chance to win as much as $100 via payapal. More prizes are also at stake. To join, simply create a blog post what you are thankful for last year o this year (or anything) and submit the link of your post her online fill-up form here...
This contest is open to anyone in the world as long as they have a verified Paypal account. Not mentioned but the winner will probably be drawn at random via raffle.
This blog post serves as my contest entry...
I am thankful for a lot things in my life.
1) for being able to win some contests I joined last year and early this year.
2) meeting some new friends in person who are prominent online.
3) for having a stable job.
4) good health
5) a loving family
6) my lovely girlfriend who I love and cherish.
I hope I could still maintain the wonderful things that have occurred to me in my life. I also hope I wouldn't lose sight of them, or take them for granted specially the last items on my list.
Contest Prizes at stake:
For the First Prize Winner:
$100.00 Cash!
Wordpress/Blogger Make-Over
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
For the Second Prize Winner:
$50.00 Cash!
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
For the Third Prize Winner:
$30.00 Cash!
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
Special Prize Winner: Most Number of Referred Giveaway Participants
$20.00 Cash
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
By the way, you can also win $20 paypal credits if you get to be the one with the most number of referrals.
Now, what are the mechanics?? Simple…
Required Entry: 5 Points
1. Write a blog post telling about the things that you are thankful for from last year, right now or anything as long as you are thankful for it.
2. Under your blog post, you must include links of all sponsors. You can grab the HTML codes for this HERE.
3. Submit your blog post entry HERE.
Optional Entries:
1. If you want to refer participants to this giveaway, just tell them to put the email address you used to register at the Giveaway Form at the “Referred By” field.
2. Follow this blog using Google Friend Connect. – 1 Point
3. Follow me at Twitter at – 1 Point
Some rules to remember…
1. Blog posts must be do follow. Only blogger, free wordpress, self-hosted wordpress and tumblr blogs are allowed to join. Grin
2. After submitting your entry, leave a comment telling me that you have joined officially.
3. A blogger can join multiple times using different blogs as long as the blog is at least 3 months old, has 10 posts and the things that he/she is thankful for are different in each post. No COPY PASTE entries to different blogs!
4. Open worldwide as long as you have a Verified Paypal account.
5. Sponsors can join too.
6. This giveaway is officially open for entries today and will end on February 15, 2011.
We would like to thank all the sponsors of Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway!!
Pinay Mommy Online
Proud Mommy of Three
My Tots Exactly!
My Tummy Calls
Azumi - Kawaii Princess’ Story
Worth's World
Make Money Online
One Proud Momma
Marikenya's Travel and Resource Blog
The Miscellaneous Me
Family and Home Living
Meet and Greet
Joys in Life
All About Her
Viva Pinay
Stylish Voyager
Written by Mys
Cinco Online
Fat Girl No More
i am woman hear me rawr
Lifestyle & Homemaking
Kero's Celebration
The Peregrinator
I Love Hate Blogging
Web Design Philippines
Make Money Blog
Lovingly Mama
Princess Wannabe
Contest Buff
Earn Dollars Pinoy!
Pensive Thoughts
Happy Home Working
jared's little corner of the world...
Nutrition and Health Care
The Domain Angel
Eat, Drink, Blog
Our Kids Plus Us
If you want to join in this fabulous giveaways, please visit Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway post.
Special request: When you join, as you submit your blog post entry HERE, please put me as your referrer, (on the Referred By field) -