Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fruit Magic's Ambassador of Good Health

Join the Fruit Magic's Ambassador of Good Health and win an iPad. Just submit a video testimony why you prefer the REAL and FRESH fruit drinks.

This contest is open to all fans of Fruit Magic Philippines!

From the contest post...

Create a video testimony or video presentation why you prefer the REAL and FRESH fruit drinks. We think the winner deserves an Apple Ipad as a Christmas gift and a month free of fruit shakes ♥

Send your entries or inquiries to and we will post them in our page Deadline is on December 21 , 2010. The Winner will be chosen based on fan comments and Fruit Magic’s choice. Winner will be announced on Dec 24, 2010. Goodluck!

Personal Note:

-The winner of the contest will based on the judges decision and fan comments. There is no percentage distribution what weighs more. There are already a couple of entries that are well made / creative...
- submit video entry via e-mail to
- deadline is on December 21, 2010

For more information about this contest, check out the Fruit Magic fan page on Facebook.