Blogger Armie Yuson of is currently having a raffle contest called "Be Like HAPPY LONER TRAVELLER!" Join this raffle to get a chance to win a Pampering, Relaxing, FREE and ALL EXPENSE PAID 3 Days and 2 Nights trip in any of your desired Philippine Destination on your preferred date!!!
Contest Mechanics:
1. You must Visit his blog site at ARMIEYUSON.BLOGSPOT.COM
2.A sentence will be posted which can be found on one of his 36 articles in his BlogSite.
3. Locate that sentence and text the title of the article from where the sentence is found.
4. Text (Title of the article) (complete name) to 09277272786.
5. Your name will only have one entry for the Raffle that will be held on December 8, 2010 at 11:59 PM.
6. Announcement of the winner will be on December 9, 2010.
7. The Question will be posted below this article.
1. Contestant should be of Filipino Citizen.
2. Contestant should be 18 years old and above.
3. Contestant should be perfectly well and healthy.
4. Prize is not convertible into Cash.
5. You should give 3 of your best pictures in the vacation that you have won as proof of this contest.
Prizes: (Prize package)
1. Roundtrip Airfare
2. Roundtrip Airport Transfers
3. Hotel Accommodation
4. Full 3 Days and 2 Nights Activities
5. Full Board meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
6. 24/7 Personal Tour Guide
Contest Question:
Which Title of the Article can these sentences be found
“I'm just an ordinary person dreaming and trying to make the impossible extraordinary things that one can achieve in his lifetime... And still, I enjoy the beauty that life can offer in every second of my life...”
Text (Title of the article) (complete name) to 09277272786.
Personal Notes / Reminders:
- what's cool about this contest is that you can choose any destination you want to go if you win!
- if you plan to join this contest, you have to agree to submit 3 good photos of your vacation as proof that you won the contest.
- your contest entry should be sent via text / SMS to qualify...
- sending more that one answer will not increase your chances of winning
- deadline is on 11:59 pm of December 8, 2010.
Check out Armie Yuson's contest blog post or you may text him at his number at 09277272786 for more questions/clarifications about this travel contest.
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