The episode of Digital Filipino Talks last March 28 is something I find relevant to the future success of our country. The topic was about liberal education and it's advantages over general education.
Moving from Traditional to Liberal Elementary and High School Education from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Mr. Raymond Villanueva ,president of Bannister Academy talked about Moving from Traditional to Liberal Elementary and High School Education. Here, he highlights the methodology his school uses to teach students in a more effective way as compared to the traditional method.
Traditional vs Liberal Education
Mr. Villanueva discusses the difference between General Education that majority of schools teach right now and Liberal Education, where students are taught in a manner where each lessons taught 'connects' to real life situations.
In a traditional or general education system, we are taught through separate subjects like mathematics, social studies and sciences. He mentions that the downside of this teaching method is that students do not appreciate the subject as whole. For the student, a subject taught does not seem they cannot be applied to real life situations.
In a liberal education system, mentors teach students topics that are relevant to today's issues, and subjects are taught in such a way that they connect to one another. This way, students appreciate the subject more, and are more willing to learn new topics presented by their mentors.
My views on the topic
Education is a very valuable asset parents can give to our children. In fact, I believe it is even more valuable than possessions like property, businesses, money, etc. It is through education, children develop positive values that they can rely on, which allows them to secure their own future and our country's as well.
Our deteriorating education system
I am not that aware of the demographic our system of education has right now, but this I can say: I think the level of education in our country has deteriorated overall compared to two decades ago.
Why do I think it is so? Well, this is because I personally know individuals who graduated in a public high school, yet have difficulty speaking and writing in English, solving simple algebra problems, and even do not know important facts and events about our country every Filipino I believe should know.
If public school students are allowed to graduate without knowing what they need to know, how do we expect our country to have a brighter future?
Lack of education: A stumbling block to progress
Majority of us agree that lack of education will undermine our country's progress. However, I think most of the parents do not seem to care what's lacking in today's curriculum. Specially for the masses who can only afford public schools, what matters to them is that their child graduates. Graduation may be enough proof to them that their child knows something.
The sad part is that some parents do not check if their child picked up what he needs to learn in school, specially math and English skills. Even if the child graduates elementary, high school and eventually college, it seems employers are having a hard time getting qualified candidates for their vacant positions. And their reason? The candidates are not qualified for the job.
Liberal Education in Public schools?
Like what Mr. Villanueva said in this interview, liberal education can be more effective than general education because lessons and topics can become relevant to the student, allowing them to become more interested to learn something new. It would really be nice to have this kind of system applied to public schools.
However, cool as the idea may sound, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to practice that in public schools. The liberal system needs mentors that will have a more hands-on approach on the student, ensuring that the student learns in the process. Public schools on the other hand have difficulty teaching students because of lack of teaching staff. Some schools have one teacher to more than 60 students in a classroom. How will the public school teacher ever teach on a more personal basis?
Parents: source of primary liberal education
A lot of us may blame our current education system why a lot of our young do not become successful in life. What we are forgetting is that the children's parents are partly to blame for our deteriorating education system.
First and foremost, it is the parents' duty to see to it that their child is learning something. It is their duty to check if their kids are having a hard time learning or coping up in their classes, or answer them if they have problems on a certain subject. If they see that the school is not doing it's role as educators of the young, it is the parents who should come out and complain to the school so that changes can take place.
While some parents do check up on their kids, others, specially the parents from the masses in the class D or E sector do not seem to care because, as embarrassing at it seems, they also do not know how to tutor their kids when the need arises. The end result? The children end up like the parents, knowing little of what they need to know if not none at all.
Second, it is the parents' duty to teach the children the liberal education they need. Children will learn algebra or English faster specially if the parents show their kids by example why they need it. It is the parents duty to teach their kids how to save money, plan ahead, how to express themselves through writing, how to do basic chores, how to behave in front of other people, ethics, morals, family values, respect towards others, and so forth.
Lastly, it is the duty of the parents to see to it that their child practices what they have learned, whether they learn it from school or from their own teachings. It is the parent's responsibility to make sure that the child grows to become a good Filipino citizen and a productive individual for the future. No school, public or private alike can ever replace the liberal education parents should instill on their child.
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about My view on Moving from Traditional to Liberal Elementary and High School Education.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Digital Filipino Talks: Moving from Traditional to Liberal Elementary and High School Education
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Million Dollar Memo Video Contest - Win a Trip to Queensland
Want to win a million dollar trip to Queensland, Australia? Then why not join the Million Dollar Memo Video Contest! All you have to do is submit a 60 second video of you and two of your other officemates stating what makes your company a great place to work and why Queensland is the ultimate tourist destination!
The competition is open to anyone from any organization, company, business or workplace, in any country.
What to do:
Create a 60 second video featuring at least three people from your company. Your video should demonstrate two things:
1. What makes your company a great place to work. (It’s about culture & spirit and enthusiasm more than spreadsheets!)
2. Why you think Queensland is the ultimate reward destination. (This part should be easy. Queensland is beautiful, exciting and offers adventures and experiences that inspire. You can find out more about Queensland here.)
Things to consider:
* We’d suggest you first view our sample videos and review the answers to frequently asked questions. You’ll also find it might be useful to watch the short instructional video above to help ensure your video is right from the start.
* Who will travel to Queensland to compete and represent your company if your entry makes the final 20? That person would ideally be one of the stars of your video. Who’s got personality, a spirit of adventure and a passport (if you’re outside Australia)?
* Be sure everyone in the video is happy for it to be shown online.
* How will you make your video stand out? Create a script that is simple and likeable and will make people want to share it with their friends. The more people that like it, the better your chance is of getting to the finals event as a ‘People’s Choice’ entry.
* Get approval from your company to submit your entry.
When you’re ready to upload, complete the application form and follow the directions. Then once it’s up, tell everyone in your company, plus family and friends to view it, like it and share it!
This is important
* Videos must be in English.
* Videos will be screened for appropriateness before being accepted into the competition.
* Be careful that language, dress, and behaviour could not be considered offensive by a broad audience.
* It’s also important you ensure your video is no longer than 60 seconds – we will allow for discrepancies during the uploading of your video file to our website, but ensure your video is correctly timed from the start.
* If you wish to add music and images in your entry, you MUST ensure you have the appropriate licences, permissions and clearances or under the terms and conditions of YouTube, your entry will be taken down.
* See the terms and conditions for full details.
Selection Process
1. From competition launch, all video applications will be quality assured at Tourism Queensland’s head office, Brisbane, Australia. Approved videos will go live on the campaign website and will be assessed on the following selection criteria:
* What makes your company a great place to work;
* Why you think Queensland is the ultimate reward destination; and
* The creativity of your video.
2. A 'Peoples Choice' score will begin on all video entries that have been approved to go live on the campaign website. The 'People's Choice' scores will be an aggregated calculation of the following components:
* number of 'shares'
* number of 'likes'
* number of 'views'
3. Progression to subsequent stages of the competition will be subject to entrants providing short responses to questions on aspects of their culture and how they reward staff, as well as necessary background checks being conducted.
4. On Wednesday, 1 June 2011, the Top 50 will be announced, consisting of the Top 5 'People's Choice' and an additional 45 entries selected by Tourism Queensland.
5. After the Top 50 are announced, all previous ‘People Choice’ scores are cleared and a second round of scoring will begin. A Top 3 ‘People’s Choice’ score will begin on the Top 50 entries, using the calculation specified above. The Top 50 will be subject to Tourism Queensland undertaking further background checks and requests for further information.
6. On Wednesday, 6th July 2011, the Top 20 will be announced, consisting of the Top 3 ‘People’s Choice and a further 17 entries selected by Tourism Queensland.
7. One representative from each of the Top 20 entries will attend the Incentive Challenge Event in Queensland. Representatives must be chosen by the companies and Tourism Queensland must be advised of the selection no later than 10th July 2011.
For complete terms and conditions, click here...
- upload with common video formats (avi, mpeg, mpg, mov, mp4, wmv, m4v) with not more than 100MB in size and 60 seconds in length.
- if you plan to use background music, I suggest you use royalty free content.
- since this is an international competition, expect it to be a tough one. I suggest you ask your kababayans to like your entry for more chances of winning.
- last day to join this contest is on the 23:59 (or 11:59 pm) Eastern Standard Time (+1000 UTC) Queensland local time on 1st May 2011, but submit earlier to get more views, shares and likes.
To know more about the competition, head over to the Million Dollar Memo contest site. To submit your entry, click here...
Digital Filipino Talks: Corporate Communication Skills Needed to Handle Social Media
Last March 4, Digital Filipino Talks episode was about Corporate Communication Skills Needed to Handle Social Media. The discussion revolves on how corporations can communicate with their customers better online.
Corporate Communication Skills Needed to Handle Social Media from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Corporate communications specialist of, Ms. Michelle Pestaño was interviewed for this topic.
Internal vs. External Corporate communications
In the beginning of the discussion, Ms. Pestaño mentions that communications should be separate for internal and external affairs. For internal communications, it is best not to let 3rd party or outsourced companies handle them.
Skills needed in communicating through social media
Ms.Pestaño mentioned several skills needed for corporate entities to effectively communicate online.
Some of them are...
1) the skill to monitor conversations online - in other words being tech savvy. Tools that monitor reputation online like can be used to know where a company's brand stands.
2) the skill (or function) of aligning what you say to the customer - in other words having 'consumer speak'.
3) addressing concerns of your customers online
She also added that excellent customer service and a great product in itself are keys to having a positive image of a corporate brand.
My views on this topic
As internet users, we sometimes want to address our concerns with a brand through social media sites, the most popular right now is on Facebook and Twitter. Since a lot of companies are using them for their online ad campaigns, we also expect them to reply to our queries.
On brand and services issues
There are some companies, specially telecommunication services that are continuously hounded by a lot of their customers because of poor service. Although the administrators on Facebook answer their problems online, they still get a lot of angry customers. Just like what Ms. Pestaño said in the interview, no matter how good your customer service is, complaints will arise if the product itself has a problem.
About answering concerns on contests and promos
There are some companies online, no matter how well-established they are, seem to have poor communication skills when being asked about a certain brand issue or promo. In my case, I asked a certain company when they will release a set of winners for a particular contest. A few months before, they replied, telling me to wait for further announcements. But after months of waiting, I asked again on the status of their contest. This time, no reply was given, even after days of continuous inquiries.
How can I now say now that this is a great company or brand, if they couldn't answer my simple question properly? When it comes to contests and promotions, people want transparency. Questions about promos and contests should readily be addressed by those who organize them.
On comment moderation
Some administrators representing the company or brand on Facebook moderate their comments done by their followers. It is understandable that they sometimes delete comments that are vulgar and inappropriate for public display. But there was one instance I made some criticisms that were deleted by the administrator.
It wasn't clear for me though why they did it, even though I know my remarks were not malicious in nature. The thing is, administrators shouldn't be too trigger happy deleting comments specially if there is nothing wrong with the comment itself. If it is constructive criticism, it should be retained. This is a free country and anyone is entitled to their own opinion.
My final word...
I hope that when corporations communicate with their customers online, they should always remember...
1) that they should interact as promptly and courteously as possible to promote their brand and image.
2) aside from communicating, they should do their best to improve their brand or service.
3) they should conduct themselves as fairly as possible to their customers when it comes to their contests and promotions. People deserve to know what is going on specially if a contest is canceled due to certain reasons.
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about My view on Corporate Communication Skills Needed to Handle Social Media.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Digital Filipino Talks: Blog Marketing for SMEs
In a previous February episode of Digital Filipino Talks on Blog Marketing for SMEs, blog marketing, its forms and its current trends were the highlights of this show.
Blog Marketing for SMEs (Blogs as alternative to traditional online media ads) from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Nuffnang Philippines country manager Carlos Palma shares his experience on this interview.
My views on this episode
Me as a contestant
Wathcing this episode of Digital Filipino Talks, I remembered my reason why I joined the Nuffnang network. It's because they have attractive contests anyone can participate in.
As a once newbie blogger, I never had the chance to earn money through paid posts. I only knew that through blog contests, with a little luck on my side, I would be able to earn a little, or gain valuable lessons and experiences if I join. Blog contests - that's all there was for me.
As I learned more on how to blog, I got the chance to read other people's blogs and gain more techniques from them. And, as determined as I am to win, I tried to emulate them, specially those who already won blog contests in the past.
Me as a blog earner
When I joined the Nuffnang network, I never had much idea that I can also earn through their ad placements. I only found out later on that I can place codes on my blog that will allow me to be paid based on the ad campaign and my site popularity.
I never considered myself as a professional blogger (although some people I know, personally or online call me a professional contestant). I say these two are totally different from one another. A contestant like me can try to join and win in other contests that are non-blogging related like photo contests, video contests, etc.
That aside, earning through Nuffnang ad banners is not that lucrative. I admit my earnings here is not something to brag about, since my blog site is not attuned to cater a vast majority of readers. Most of my posts in Journey of No FERA are contest entries I joined from different sponsors, and some interesting contests I want to blog about.
Because of my not-so-great earnings, I tend to believe that if I were after site popularity and want to earn more through ad placements or paid blogs, I should have at least started a blog that covers a wide audience to begin with like showbiz, or food, not a small niche like contests.
My take on blog contests for Blog Marketing
If there was something I would wish from Nuffnang or any other SME who want to tap blog marketing for their online campaign, I would suggest them to hold more blog contests rather than paid posts. This is because blog contests can showcase the creative talent of newbie bloggers.
If SMEs stick to paid blog posts for their campaign, they will try to contact the more popular bloggers to post their ads. This gives newbies less chances to earn through their blog posts.
But if contests are held for a marketing campaign, newbie and pro bloggers alike will be equal under the scrutiny of the judges. With enough talent and dedication, newbie bloggers can outshine the pros through their winning posts, and also gives them a chance to be more well-known in the online world.
The only downside of this is that only a few people will get to be "paid" for their hardwork (through the prizes in case the blogger wins the contest). That aside, joining blog contests can be very rewarding and character building. And, just as what Nuffnang promises, blogging through contests can likewise be fun!
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about Blog Marketing for SMEs.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Alter Space Online Game
Relevant to today's Earth Hour (remember to switch off lights from 8:30 to 9:30 pm), is an online game called Alter Space. This game showcases the effects of the choices we make on our environment.
Finish this this game and win your very own iPad2!
Aside from the grand prize, Alter Space will also be giving away the following:
- 100 limited edition Alter Space t-shirts
- 100 eco-friendly electricity-free water clocks
- 100 Alter Space fans
In order to be eligible in the raffle, you have to complete the game first. Completion requires you to build your very own APS (alternate power source).
To build the APS you must be at Level 5 and invite four more level 5 friends to help you build it. After you finish this task, the game is complete. Only then will you be included in the online raffle.
To join this promo, visit the Alter Space Application on Facebook. Also check out their Facebook pan page.
This game is brought to us by Aboitiz Power.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Yamaha Mio & Me Photo Contest
Join the Yamaha Mio & Me Photo Contest and get a chance to win Yamaha Mio Sporty Limited Edition Mint Green! Exciting prizes also await the 2nd and 3rd place winners.
This contest is open to all aged 16 years old and above.
1. Contest is open to males and females, 16 years old and above.
2. Mio Sporty users and non-users alike are encouraged to join.
3. Amateur and professional photographers may send their entries.
General Mechanics
1. Entrants should "like" the official Mio and Me contest page on Facebook.
2. Entries must be submitted to
3. For better resolution, entries must be taken using a high-megapixel camera, preferably DSLR. Images should be rendered at 300dpi or higher and with file size of not lower than 800x600 pixels in landscape or 600x800 in portrait.
4. Photos should NOT be manipulated or altered.
5. Only ONE (1) entry is allowed per person.
6. Description for each entry must contain the contestant’s FULL NAME, CONTACT DETAILS and a SHORT EXPLANATION about the photo.
7. All valid, approved and accepted entries will be posted by administrators on the official Facebook page,
8. Entrants will be notified via phone call and e-mail whether or not their entry is valid and approved.
9. Yamaha Motor Philippines, Inc. (YMPH) reserves the right to reject entries that contain nudity, advocate violence, and do not conform to the rules and regulations of the contest.
10. Winners will be determined based on the following criteria:
* 30% - Creativity
* 30% - Message/Story
* 40% - "Like" votes on Facebook
11. All entries must be submitted on or before 11:59 PM of May 31, 2011.
12. Winners will be announced on the Official Facebook page on June 7, 2011.
Judges’ decisions are FINAL.
13. Winners will be notified through a phone call and e-mail from the Advertising and Promotion Section of YMPH.
14. Prizes are as follows:
* 1st Prize: Yamaha Mio Sporty Limited Edition Mint Green
* 2nd Prize: Apple iPhone 3G
* 3rd Prize: P5,000 worth of Yamaha Apparel
For complete mechanics click this link...
- submit your photo including your FULL NAME, CONTACT DETAILS and a SHORT EXPLANATION about the photo to this e-mail address to qualify:
- digital manipulation is NOT ALLOWED
- Minimum resolution of your entry should be 800x600 at 300 dpi. The bigger the resolution, the better.
- deadline for submission is on 11:59 PM of May 31, 2011 but submit earlier to get more online votes. Voting is 40% of the criteria.
For more information about this contest, you may contact (02) 9149624. Look for Marjo, Marvin or Yvette.You may also visit the Yamaha Motor website or the Yamaha Mio & Me fan page on Facebook.
Digital Filipino Talks: Making Philippines History Relevant Online
Last February's Digital Filipino Talks: Making Philippines History Relevant Online interviewed Ms. Gloria Melencio on her advocacy to spread history online through the website.
Making Philippines History Relevant Online from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Ms. Melencio shares her passion for Philippine history through writing features and articles through this site.
Philippine History is one of those subjects we may find boring and useless. Hours and hours spent on memorizing names of long-forgotten dead people and places, and uninteresting events might be a waste of time to students, whose only wish is to be done with it and make the grade.
I remember during my early school years some of my classmates' out-of-the-blue objections on the subject matter. Some have said, "Why not remove this subject because we can't use this in real life!" They probably thought mathematical and written skills can help you land a job, but not Philippine history.
As grown-ups, we seldom look back at our history books. The only exception to this is when our own kids bug us during times they need to complete their homework. It only comes to show knowledge of Philippine history is irrelevant.
But come to think about it, there are many lessons to be learned if we try to rediscover the pages of the past. Let's take one episode of our history as an example - the EDSA revolution. Maybe our kids right now don't even have a clue what this was all about. But this was definitely a milestone that changed the country.
The 80's generation experienced this first hand - the Martial Rule, the warrantless arrests, curfew hours, restricted freedom of speech, etc. All these added up and made the ordinary citizen say "tama na, sobra na, palitan na...".
And in 1986 when Marcos' snap election came, the results were so unacceptable that it resulted in a revolt led by Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin, Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos. The citizens in Manila and nearby provinces heeded their call to protest and gathered in EDSA. And the rest was history.
This moment in history just shows the younger generation that there is always hope that things can change for the better, as long as we make the change happen.
And if we were to apply the lesson that transpired in EDSA, we shouldn't be complaining about corrupt politicians right now, we should be doing something about it! The big problem is that most of us already forgot what EDSA was all about. We forgot that we as ordinary citizens made change happen.
I believe the more important lessons about life can be found within those pages, whether you choose to read the history books or swiftly go through them online. I guess it's high time for us to rediscover our past, and EDSA was just one episode of our valuable history...
There's a popular Filipino saying... "Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa kinaroroonan." A valuable lesson in life which translates - you can't reach your goals if you can't remember your origins.
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about Making Philippines History Relevant Online.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Digital Filipino Talks: Keep Customers Coming Back with Loyalty Programs
Last March 9, 2011, Digital Filipino Talks about Keep Customers Coming Back with Loyalty Programs. Interviewed for this episode was Ms. Yayu Javier, President of Avanza Inc.
Keep Customers Coming Back with Loyalty Programs from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Ms. Javier also shares her expertise on how to conduct successful loyalty programs.
Purpose of Loyalty Programs
Ms. Javier mentioned that the purpose of a loyalty program is to encourage the customer to keep on buying or coming back for your product or service. Discount cards are not necessarily loyalty programs, specially if there is no incentive for the customer to come back and buy your product again.
Most loyalty programs use the point system like credit cards. After using a particular service or buying their products for a certain period of time, points accumulate, and can be traded for a certain item. People like me want to gain free stuff, so they aspire to gain more points for the freebie.
The RFM modules
Ms. Javier mentions that a store should know what kind of loyalty program they should use to gain more customers or earn better profits. There are three modules for this are: 1) Recency - or how recent the customeer buys your product 2) Frequency - how often your customer buys your product or 3) Monetary - how much your customer spends for your product. A store must know what is the best module to use. If the store wants more customers buy their product, then they should employ number 2, and so on.
Communication is key
Ms. Javier mentions that the success of a loyalty program depends on how the store communicates with its customers. Reminding customers that a loyalty program exists, or telling them to use the accumulated points before the expiry period, can lead to better loyalty from the customers.
My views on the topic
On Social media and loyalty
Ms. Javier tells us that having an online presence like having fan pages on Facebook can help boost loyalty programs through awareness. However she said, being present online does not automatically mean that loyalty exists between the Facebook users and the company.
In other words, just because a Facebook fan page has a lot of "likers" means that all of them are "loyal." Loyalty can be shown if people actually buy the company's product or service.
Using my standpoint as an example, since I love to join contests, to get more people to vote or like my entry, I have to ask my friends to like the Facebook fan page first as a prerequisite. If they liked the fan page, its because they want to help me out, not because their a fan of that product. Still, marketing people behind the fan page highly value a lot of likes on their fan page because it generates popularity.
My take on Online loyalty
Since loyalty can only be shown when a customer frequently buys a product or service, online stores can use what Ms Javier mentioned in order to maintain a healthy relationship with its customers. Online stores, online surveys and services can use their own version of the point system to attract more customers.
Can blogs and websites use loyalty programs on its readers?
In a way, it can, but only in a different manner. Blogs, social networks and information websites like online news are free to join. Therefore, owners of these sites do not gain money when a reader registers on their site. However, these site owners earn through paid advertorials placed on their site. If the site is popular, more people will eventually click their ads and allow the owners to earn more.
Blogs and websites can try to keep its readers loyal by making their own promos and contests so that readers will watch out for them or make them check your site every now and then. Such programs will also allow more readers to join your site or network.
With online loyalty programs, the customers (or readers) and the store (blog owners) can both win.
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about My view on Keep Customers Coming Back with Loyalty Programs.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Digital Filipino Talks: Using Social Media and Mobile Technology to Raise Funds and Fight Crimes
Last March 10, 2011, Digital Filipino Talks about Using Social Media and Mobile Technology to Raise Funds and Fight Crimes. Interviewed for this episode is I.T. consultant of Philippine National Red Cross and Co-Founder of Chikka Mr. Dennis Mendiola.
Using Social Media and Mobile Technology to Raise Funds and Fight Crimes from Janette Toral on Vimeo.
Mr. Mendiola made the following points in using Social Media like Facebook and mobile technology to raise funds, fight crimes and terrorism. He also mentioned the registering cellphones will not be effective in preventing terrorism.
My Views on the topic
A. On raising funds online
Mr. Mendiola mentioned that in order for an online or mobile campaign to succeed in seeking donations, fund raisers should make it a constant marketing effort. Meaning, they should make their presence online more visible.
If I were to ask myself, should I or should I not donate to a particular cause? One reason I wouldn't donate is because I wouldn't be sure if the organization raising donations is legitimate or not. There are some unscrupulous people posing as fund raisers but in realty, are swindlers.
So aside from doing more marketing effort, organizers should also do their best in establishing their identity online. And doing so may take more time and effort to gain people's trust and get them to give their donations.
B. Registering mobile phones are ineffective in fighting terrorism
Mr. Mendiola mentions that registering mobile phone SIMs will prove to be ineffective in thwarting terrorism. He makes an analogy of killing a fly with a cannon. Terrorists will find other means to detonate bombs remotely, or use fake IDs to register mobile phones, if phone registration happens. Plus, logistically, it is not practical to do so because majority of mobile phone users are on prepaid terms, unlike in other countries where registered phones are postpaid.
Although I agree with most of his arguments, I have to say that we must start somewhere. Mobile phone registration still is a good deterrent that can discourage terrorists to use mobile phones for their evil purposes. The big problem is that prepaid SIMs are easy to acquire and very cheap.
The NTC and the telcos who released their prepaid SIMs should make necessary steps to register and control the future release of prepaid SIMs so that they can be easily associated with its owner. Even if it means to phase out older SIMs to be replaced with newly registered ones to ensure the safety of the public. If nobody makes sacrifices - individual or corporation alike, prepaid SIMs can be the loose cannons that terrorists will continuously exploit.
C. Facebook ID to be associated with mobile phones
Mr. Mendiola suggests that Facebook IDs be associated with mobile phones for identification. I say it's a bad idea. Like IDs and sedulas, Facebook profiles can easily be faked. Like creating e-mail accounts, they are also easy and free to create. Friends can also be manufactured to make it look authentic. This can be evidently seen when one joins contests where FB likes are needed to win.
Any system you put up, even with all the safeguards in place can be cheated - specially on Facebook.
All in all, if you are an org who wants to raise funds, or prevent crime, or stop terrorism, the big issue is how to make yourself trusted online. Trust is the key to building a better community.
This is my entry to's Talks Blog Contest. Be part of the conversation. Visit the contest page to join. Feel free to comment on my blog post about My view on Using Social Media and Mobile Technology to Raise Funds and Fight Crimes.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Haka for Haka Tours Video Contest
If you want to get a free trip to New Zealand, you may want to join the Haka for Haka Tours Video Contest! To join, simply create a 5 to 10 second video of you doing the Pukana. (Pukana is the final act where you roll your eyes, stick out your tongue and belt out a fierce 'blahhh')
This contest is open to all individuals 18 years old and above worldwide.
Contest Mechanics and Guidelines:
- one of two Adventure Tours of New Zealand with the legendary Haka Tours
- accommodation, transport, tour guide, breakfast, and a range of cultural experiences included
- adventure activities included (bungy, sky dive, sea kayaking, shark diving, jet boating, haka training, glacier walk, canyon swing)
- international flights
How do I Enter?
- simply make a video of yourself, your mates, your sports team, even your mum completing a Pukana (which is the final part of the Haka where the eyes are widenedm tongue poked out, and a fierce "blaaahhh" is yelled out)
- check out the instructional video on how to perform the best Pukana possible!
- Upload this to Youtube with the title "I will win the New Zealand Adventure Experience of a Lifetime with the Haka for Haka Tours Competition"
- In the description of the video, enter the following to website addresses:;; also add the term "New Zealand Adventure Tours"
Facebook page
Your Video Entry
- videos have to be 5 to 10 seconds in duration
- choose to go for the most authentic Pukana, completing in a cool location, scare someone, make it funny or have your own cultural interpretation... the choice is yours.
- no fancy editing required. Rough and ready is the Kiwi spirit. We want you to have fun while making your video and it will only take a few minutes to complete and enter.
What Now?
- tell your friends about it - get them to view your video as the number of views your video gets will be one factor that will help you win this amazing prize.
- enter as many times as you like; the more times you enter, the more chances you have of winning. And it is so easy and fun to enter!!!
- share it on facebook - this will help you get more views
Decision Process for Winning Entries
1. Number of hits your video has received. make sure people see your video! To maximize exposure, ensure you;
- use relevant meta tags
- tell your friends!
- share your video with other youtube users by sending a direct link to your video via the bespoke e-mail functionality in your youtube account
- share your e-mail by posting it to your own social media accounts and get your friends and family to vote for you.
2. How users rate your video: Every video can be rated by those that watch it. We will take this into consideration when assessing all competition entries. The number of views will be very influential in the decision.
3. The final decision is based upon the discretion of Haka tours and its campaign partners. A company director will view all submissions along with the two variables above. Decisions are final so there will be no appeals or review process. Remember all entries ger a L50 discount online code discount code to use on any Haka Tour departing in 2011!
4. The prize is final and cannot be transferred to other people or changed for a cash equivalent.
For complete guidelines, check out this link...
Check out Jayson Biadog's video entry for the Haka for Haka video contest.
Additional Notes:
- you must have a passport to enjoy the prize. Organizers will not secure your passport to New Zealand.
- you can make any interpretation of the Pukana.
- winner will be based on the following: video hits, ratings, and the director's decision
- last day to submit your entry is on August 1, 2011. But create your video as soon as possible to get more views and ratings from friends!
For more information about this contest head over the Haka for Haka Tours Video contest page on Facebook.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Blowout Naman Diyan Bro!
"Blowout Naman Diyan Bro!" (Give us a blowout brother!)
These are the words that come out of the mouths of some close friends, officemates, and even my family whenever something "special" comes up.
And for a "kuripot" (thrifty) guy like me, these are the words I dread to hear.
More often than not, they often bug me for a blowout whenever...'s payday!
Yup, payday! Whenever it's time to cash in on your hard earned dough, they gang up on you and jokingly ask for a treat. Even some french fries would do. Although most often, their demand ends with KKB (kanya-kanyang bayad / self-paid treat) in one of our favorite fast food joints.'s my birthday!
Birthdays. Who can escape this one? This once a year ritual of free merienda for the officemates can't be trifled with, or risk not getting your share of their birthday blowouts.
... I win in contests
With some luck, I get to win in contests and promos in the net, but not too often though. I do share my blessings with them whenever I win something significant.
But as of the moment, my friends are now asking for a different kind of blowout...
After one of my officemates got married last Saturday,
the BIG question a.k.a. blowout they're asking me right now is...
Bonus question: "Where will we eat after the wedding?"
One of my officemates suggested we eat in that big Chinese restaurant along Roxas Boulevard for my reception.
I jokingly answered: "Yeah, but we'll just eat there in front of the resto. I'll order kikiam and siomai through the street vendor.." lol :)
Kidding aside, attending my friend's wedding made me ponder, will I ever be able to prepare for a good wedding? From the gowns, to the people involved, the church decor, down to the nitty-gritty details, everything must be perfect.
My fiancee and I have been making plans to get married soon. We even visited a wedding expo to get some ideas on things we need to focus on for our wedding.

And so, to make better arrangements for this much anticipated wedding, NOW would be the best time for me to get a personal broadband connection!
With a personal broadband connection such as Smart Bro, I will be able to do the following...
- I can search the internet and compare prices of wedding services, wedding clothes, food and more!
- I can book restaurants and hotel accommodations online!
- I can contact and invite friends who will attend on my wedding day through social networking sites. I can also inform them on change of plans.
- I can look for more creative wedding ideas via internet search.
- I can download images and our favorite music my fiancee and I can use as our tracks to be played and set the mood on our wedding day.
- I can read tips from blogs on how to make my wedding day a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
- AND after the wedding, I can upload all my photos and videos online, and share them to all my relatives and friends.
And the best deal I can get is having my own SMART BRO Unlimited Home Broadband Plan today!!!
Check out this video on SMART Bro's Broadbandest Blowout!
NOW is also the best time to subscribe to SMART BRO Unlimited Home Broadband Plan 999 or 1995 because of all the amazing freebies below. The offer may not happen again so you have to grab the opportunity NOW!!!
Freebies for subscribing to this plan are the following:
a. Free All-In-One HP Printer
b. FREE Call & Texts with SMART Gold Lite Plan 300 for 6 months subscription
c. Free 1 month broadband subscription
Like spending for a big wedding, one would like to get the best broadband deals for the money. The freebies included in the package definitely make this one a great offer. But take note, the Smart BRO Unlimited Home broadband promo is available from March 4 to June 4, 2011 only! So avail NOW before this once-in-a-lifetime promo ends.
With the SMART BRO Unlimited Home broadband, you will get consistent surf speed and stable signal. Stable signal means - more photo, video and music downloads, uninterrupted chat and smooth web browsing that keeps me well-informed, in-touch and helps me make the right decisions on how to spend wisely for this upcoming big event.
With the help of SMART BRO, I can make SMART plans that will make the BIGGEST BLOWOUT of my life meaningful.
P.S. This very important occasion will be without meaning without her. I want my plan for this BIGGEST BLOWOUT of my life to come true because I love and cherish her always no matter what.
This is my entry to the SMART Bro’s Broadbandest Blowout Blogger Contest! Visit the Nuffnang Philippines contest page to know more about this contest. Deadline for this contest is on March 21, 2011.
To know more about this one-of-a-kind party package, you may check out the Smart Telecommunications Facebook fan page or the Smart Bro website! For further inquiries about the promo, you may visit the nearest SMART Wireless Center or any SMART BRO accredited agents.
Remember, this promo is up to June 4, 2011 only.

Click here to
Friday, March 18, 2011
Yahoo! Purple Hunt 2.0
Think you have what it takes to be a true contest hunter? Then try the Yahoo! Purple Hunt 2.0 contest. Join this and you may have a chance to own your very own Hyundai i10 automatic! Cool freebies are also to be given away even if you do not complete all the tasks in this contest.This contest is open to Philippine residents aged 18 and above.
How to Join
* Participants must go to the website of Yahoo Purple Hunt: and register to start the hunt.
* Only persons who are above 18 years of age and a resident of the Philippines can join in the yahoo purple hunt campaign
* A person can only join once as he/she can open a sponsors box for only one time.
* Participant needs to open all boxes to qualify to the Grand Raffle. Seven keywords are needed to open all boxes.
* Participant must follow the instructions specified in each box to open all the boxes.
* Promo period is from March 11 to April 17, 2011.
* Last day of submission of entries for Metro Manila participants is on April 16, 2011, 11:59pm. While for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao deadline is on April 12, 2011 at 11:59pm.
How to register
* Register for the Yahoo! Purple Hunt 2.0 at, and fill out all the required information. If you don't have a Yahoo! account, register for one first at
Registration Fields:
o Complete Name
o Yahoo ID
o Mobile Number
o Email Address
o Mailing Address
* Upon successful registration participant can now navigate thru the Yahoo! Purple Hunt page:
* Registration ID or code will be assigned by the system per participant upon successful registration which will serve as their raffle number.
* System will track activities of each code/registrant.
* Participants will be given 75% chance of winning, system is programmed to automatically declare a participant a winner depending on the number of prizes still available and if a certain task per box is completed.
* Participants need to open all boxes for chance to participate in the Grand Raffle.
* Participant first goal is to open Box # 1 before he can open the rest of the boxes.
* To open BOX #1, participant must:
How to play
* Box #1. Add the Box!
o Install Yahoo! Messenger. Participant can skip this step if he already have Yahoo! Messenger installed.
o Add the PurpleHuntMaster to your friend list. You can add it by typing ypurplemaster in the add tab of Yahoo Messenger.
o PurpleHuntMaster is a system generated program that will automatically add you upon request.
o Wait for more instructions. The PurpleHuntMaster will give you instruction on how to open the box or what to do next.
o In case you missed his directions, you need to type in "help" keyword to get the URL which will contain your unique keyword.
o Once the participant gets the keyword he needs to go to and input it in the Yahoo Messenger Purple Box. The box will open and you will have a chance to win exciting prizes.
o The system upon verifying that certain task is completed and upon checking the availability or quantity of prizes in the database automatically notifies the user thru a pop-up message in the Yahoo Messenger box if he wins a prize or not.
o After opening box 1, user can now proceed with the rest of the boxes. He can start with any box he wants, but he needs to open all to qualify to the Grand Raffle for a chance to win Purple Hyundai i10 car.
* Box #2. Magic Minute (Magic 89.9)
o Participant goes thru the mechanics section of Magic 89.9 box and sees the instruction that he needs to tune in to Magic 89.9 radio station and wait for the DJ to play the Yahoo Yodel to get the special keyword that will open the box.
o Once the participant gets the keyword he needs to go back to the microsite and type in the keyword in the Magic 89.9 box. The box opens and participant gets a chance to win exciting prizes.
o The system upon verifying that a certain task is completed and upon checking the availability or quantity of prizes in the database automatically notifies the user thru a pop-up message in the Magic 89.9 box if he wins a prize or not.
o Participant may only win once, if he was able to get a prize from the 1st box he will no longer win in the other boxes.
o Participant now proceeds with the rest of the boxes, for a chance to win in the Grand Raffle.
* Box #3. Purple Goods (Hyundai)
o Participant goes to the Hyundai box and sees the instruction that he needs to take a photo of himself with any Hyundai Car
1. Make sure that the car can be easily identified as a Hyundai brand
2. Plate number must be blurred or deleted for security and privacy purposes
o The photo needs to be uploaded in the YahooPurpleHunt2.0 official Flickr page, participant now goes to and look for the YahooPurpleHunt2.0 official Flickr group.
o Participant uploads the photo in the group and tags it with "YahooPurpleHunt2"
1. Maximum file size limit of the photo is 800x600 pixels
o Next step upon uploading of photo is to look for the Purple Hyundai car in the Yahoo Purple Hunt Flickr gallery where the keyword is placed. Once participant is part of the group, he will gain access to tons of photos of other Hyundai models. You'll now have to search for the official Purple Hyundai i10 photo, which has the keyword.
o The keyword needs to be entered in the Hyundai box at Yahoo Purple Hunt microsite. If keyword is valid the box will open which increases the Participants chances of participating in the Grand Raffle.
o Make sure that the car can be easily identified as a Hyundai brand
o Plate number must be blurred or deleted for security and privacy purposes
o No limitations are imposed as to the poses one could actually do. THINK OUT-OF-THE-BOX!
o Format for the file name as follows: last name_first name_middle initial_email address
o Maximum file limit is set at 800 x 600 pixels
o HARI shall be giving away weekly prizes (7 winners per week).
o Weekly judging of winners will be done, deadline of submission of entries:
+ Week 1: Mar. 17, 12noon
+ Week 2: Mar. 24, 12noon
+ Week 3: Mar. 30, 12noon
+ Week 4: Apr. 7, 12noon
+ Week 5: Apr. 14, 12noon
o Judging and Awarding will be on:
+ Week 1: Mar. 18, 3pm
+ Week 2: Mar. 25, 3pm
+ Week 3: Apr. 1, 3pm
+ Week 4: Apr. 8, 3pm
+ Week 5: Apr. 15, 3pm
o Hyundai Brand Presence: Extent to which photo captures the Hyundai Brand (50%)
o Impact and Creativity: Bold, striking, and adventurous pose (30%)
o Composition, clarity and technical quality (20%)
* Box #4. Fox Hunt (Fox International Channels)
o For chance to join in the Grand Raffle participant proceeds to the Fox Hunt box and sees the instruction that he needs to watch any of the ff Fox Channels (Fox, Star World, Star Movies, Fox Family Movies, Fox Crime, FX, tvN, National Geographic, Channel V) and wait for the Yahoo! commercial where the keyword is placed.
o The keyword needs to be entered in the Fox box at the Yahoo! Purple Hunt 2.0 microsite.
o The system upon verifying that a certain task is completed and upon checking the availability or quantity of prizes in the database will automatically notify the user thru a pop-up message in the FOX box that he was able to open if he wins a prize or not.
* Box #5. Smart
o Participant goes to the SMART Bro box and sees the mechanics that he needs to go to the SMART Bro website: and look for the for the not-so-hidden banner ad of Yahoo Purple Hunt which redirects him to to get the keyword that will open the box.
o Participant lands in the SMART Bro website, if he is a NON-SMART BRO POSTPAID subscriber he will be asked to fill up the online form:Full Name, Email Address, Mobile Number and click on submit.
o When user clicks Submit, the code will be revealed
o User needs to go back to the Yahoo Purple Hunt website to enter this code
o For SMART BRO POSTPAID Subscribers: Participant needs to go to and update his information. He needs to click on the link to update then submit the online form containing the ff fields:Full Name, Email Address, Mobile Number and click on submit.
o When user clicks Submit, the code will be revealed.
o User needs to go back to the Yahoo Purple Hunt microsite to enter this keyword to get a chance to win prizes from SMART!
o Upon typing in the keyword in the SMART BRO box in the the system upon verifying that a certain task is completed and upon checking the availability or quantity of prizes in the database will automatically notify the user thru a pop-up message in the SMART BRO box that he was able to open if he wins a prize or not.
* Box #6. Nokia
o Participant goes to the NOKIA box and sees the mechanics that he needs to go to the participating NOKIA stores to get the keyword.
Nokia Concept Store - Rockwell Nokia Store - G-Mall Davao
Nokia Concept Store - Trinoma Nokia Store - Greenbelt
Nokia Store - Gen San Nokia Store - Greenhills
Nokia Store - Ayala Cebu Nokia Store - SM Pampanga
Nokia Store - Glorietta Nokia Store - Robinsons Ermita
Nokia Store - Limketkai CDO Nokia Store - Robinsons Tacloban
Nokia Store - Podium Nokia Store - SM Bacolod
Nokia Store - Robinsons Galleria Nokia Store - SM Davao
Nokia Store - SM Cebu Nokia Store - SM Fairview
Nokia Store - SM North EDSA Nokia Store - SM Iloilo
Nokia Strore - Sta. Rosa Nokia Store - SM Manila
Nokia Store - The Fort Nokia Store - SM Megamall
Nokia Storre - SM Mall of Asia Nokia Store - SM Southmall
Nokia Store - SM Batangas Nokia Store - SM Tarlac
Nokia Store - ATC Nokia Store - SM Taytay
Nokia Store - Dagupan Nokia Store - Tomas Morato
Nokia Store - Gateway Nokia Store - SM Calamba
o In the NOKIA store participant needs to look for NOKIA & YAHOO! Representative wearing a purple pin.
o For NOKIA and OVI Users: Representative will ask him to download an application from OVI! thru his cellphone. The representative will confirm if the download is complete, once confirmed the representative will give the keyword that will open the NOKIA box.
o For NON-NOKIA and NON-OVI Users: The participant needs to request for information on the Nokia X2-01 and the rep will give the participant the keyword.
o Participant now goes back to the site and enters the keyword in the NOKIA box.
o The system upon verifying that a certain task is completed and upon checking the availability or quantity of prizes in the database will automatically notify the user thru a pop-up message in the NOKIA box that he was able to open if he wins a prize or not.
* Box #7 Yahoo! Search
o Participant goes to the last box the Yahoo! Search box and sees the mechanics that he needs to search for the video online thru the Yahoo Search. A simple Yahoo! search will help the participant find the video. The video will reveal the final keyword and the venue of the Grand Event.
o Participant upon finding the video and the keyword goes back to the site and enters the keyword.
o Opening of the last box if he was able to open the rest of the boxes will be his ticket for chance to participate in the Grand Raffle.
# Prizes
Yahoo! 20
Nokia 203
Smart 109
FOX 100
Magic 100
Hyundai 35
TOTAL: 567
Magic 89.9
FOX International Channels
Nat Geo Shirts
X2-01 mobile phones
Ayala Cinema Tickets
Nokia MD-9 speakers
Overnight Bag
Body Bag
SIM only 999
2 years canopy subscription
Bro prepaid plug it
Bro prepaid pocket wifi
ID laces
3. GRAND PRIZE: Purple Hyundai
Hyundai i10 Automatic
4. There's only one winner for this prize. The tax requirement for the prize (20% exceeding P10,000) shall be shouldered by Yahoo Philippines, Inc.
6. Registration and Insurance of the car will be shouldered by the winner.
7. Deadline of Submission of Entries
* Promo period is from March 11 to April 17, 2011.
* Last day of submission of entries for Metro Manila participants is on April 16, 2011, 11:59pm. While for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao deadline is on April 12, 2011 at 11:59pm.
For complete mechanics, check out the Yahoo Purple Hunt 2.0 rules and guidelines.
- as you can see from the mechanics above, there are lots of prizes to be given away by different sponsors. Most of them are raffled off as you progress in getting the keywords for each box.
- There's even a photo contest sponsored by Hyundai. Winners will be chosen per week on the basis of your entry's creativity and appeal. Check out the mechanics above.
- the only time you can win the grand prize(car) is by opening all the boxes/getting all the keywords correctly.
- last day to participate is on April 16, 2011 11:59 pm, 11:59pm for Metro Manila residents, while for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao participants, deadline is on April 12, 2011 11:59 pm.
If you have the patience and determination of a real CONTEST HUNTER, then head over to The Yahoo Purple Hunt 2.0 contest site.
Internet Explorer 9 Master of the Web Contest
Join the Internet Explorer 9 Master of the Web Contest and get a chance to win 3,000 US dollars grand prize via Paypal! All you have to do is play the Master of the Web game and be the highest scorer for the entire contest duration. Weekly highest scorers also receive 100 US dollars in prizes via Paypal.
This contest is open to all residents of the Philippines aged 18 and above.
Contest Terms and Guidelines:
1. Organizer. The Contest is organized by Microsoft.
2. Eligibility.
2.1 General Eligibility Requirements
- Participants of the Contest must be residents of Philippines to participate in the Contest and be above 18 years of age.
- If you are a minor (i.e. under 18 years of age), you must obtain the appropriate permissions and releases from your parent or legal guardian in order to participate in the Contest.
2.2 Not eligible: The following are not eligible to participate in the Contest:
- Employees of Microsoft and its related corporations and their immediate family members.
- Employees of any party which is directly involved in organizing, promoting or conducting the Contest.
- Employees of external auditors who are directly involved in the Contest.
3.Contest Specifics.
3.1 To enter the Contest, participants must:
- Play the game during the contest period from 14 March 2011 at 12.01 am (local time) to 5 June 2011 at 11.59 pm (local time).
- Contestants must register and submit their score by Sunday 11.59 pm (local time) of each week to qualify for that week’s draw
- Contestants are able to submit their scores as many times as they wish, however only the individual contestant’s highest score as at the end of each week will be taken into consideration
- Scores will be reset every week
3.2 Contest details:
-Promotion Period: 14 March 2011 at 12.01 am (local time) to 5 June 2011 at 11.59 pm (local time)
- Deadline for participating in the contest: within the promotional period mentioned in the point above.
- Time, duration, and place where prizes may be claimed by the winners: Between 11 June 2011 to 10 July 2011 from Microsoft Philippines, Inc. 16th Floor, 6750 Ayala Office Tower, 6750 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1200, Philippines.
4. Winner selection.
4.1 12 weekly winners will be selected by Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd (“Microsoft”) on a weekly basis. No changes will be entertained.
- The contestant with the highest score as at the end of each week will be chosen as the weekly winner.
- Each individual contestant is eligible to win the weekly prize only once
4.2 At the close of the contest, a grand prize winner will also be chosen from among the 12 weekly winners, with the criteria being their highest submitted score.
4.3 Microsoft reserves the right to select another prizewinner if any prizewinner is subsequently disqualified from the Contest.
5. Prizes.
5.1 Grand prize: US$3,000 to be transferred via PayPal
Weekly Prizes: US$100 to be transferred via PayPal. There are 12 weekly prizes (1 prize to be awarded every week for the duration of the contest)
For complete mechanics, click here...
- keep on practicing to get higher scores. The highest score for the week gets 100 USD. The highest score for the entire duration of the contest wins 3000 USD.
- last day to participate is up to 11:59 PM of June 5, 2011 (PH time).
For more information or join the contest, head over to the Master of the Web website.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
San Mig Strong Ice Whapakk Pose Photo Contest
To all the cool debarkads out there, you may want to join the San Mig Strong Ice Whapakk Pose Photo Contest! Get a chance to win cool prizes, which include cases of San Mig Strong Ice, limited edition jackets and other cool freebies!
This contest is open to Philippine residents 18 years old and above.
ADVISORY: Journey of No FERA advises minors (below 18 years old) to refrain from drinking liquor or join this contest.
I. Promo Duration:
The San Mig Strong Ice Whapakk Pose promo will run from 4 March to 8 April 2011.
II. Contest Concept:
The contest is based on the concept of a Hip Hop Pose with strongest impact.
III. Qualified Participants:
1. The contest is open to Philippine residents aged 18 years old and above.
2. Participants need to have an account in Facebook and "LIKE" the San Mig Strong Ice Fan Page to join.
IV. Mechanics:
1. Register to submit contest entries through the
San Mig Strong Ice website
2. Fill out the online registration form with the following required fields:
* First Name
* Last Name
* Facebook Username
* Birth Date
* Gender
* Valid Email address
* Valid Mobile Number
* Valid Mailing Address
* Title/ Caption of Photo Entry
3. Photo entries must include at least one (1) bottle or can of San Mig Strong Ice. Photos must be in digital jpeg format. Product placement must not be edited into the photo. Entries must not exceed 1MB.
4. The participant must be included in the photo.
5. Participants may submit more than one (1) entry provided that the images don’t look similar.
6. San Mig Strong Ice reserves the right to reject images that are obscene, inappropriate or does not conform to the rules and regulations or the contest mechanics. San Mig Strong Ice Panel’s decision is final.
7. All qualified entries will be uploaded to the San Mig Strong Ice website and San Mig Strong Ice Facebook Fanpage within 24-48 hours upon submission.
8. Participants need to post a shout out of his/her Cheer in the San Mig Strong Ice Fan Page to signify that they have submitted their entry. Sample shout out maybe as follows:
I have uploaded my photo for the San Mig Strong Ice Whapakk Pose Promo! See my entry____________________ on! Please 'Like' this post to vote for my entry. Thanks!
9. All entries must be submitted by 12 noon of cut off date in order to qualify.
A. Special Categories
Every week, up to Five (5) winning entries will be awarded with One (1) case each of San Mig Strong Ice.
B. Grand Prize
One (1) Grand Prize will be given to the Best Whapakk Pose Entry and will win five (5) cases of San Mig Strong Ice, together with a limited-edition San Mig Strong Ice jackets and shotgunnators.
For both categories, the following criteria will be used:
Creativity 30%
Originality 30%
Relevance to the contest 20%
Most "Likes" / Votes 20%
All entries will be reviewed and judged by the San Mig Strong Ice panel for the Grand Prizes following the criteria stated above. Announcement of Grand Prize winners will be made by 15 April 2011.
Notes and reminders:
- contest is intended for 18 years old and above. Minors are strongly advised not to join.
- register at the San Mig Strong Ice website and the San Mig Strong Ice fan page on Facebook.
- you must be included along with a bottle (or can) of San Mig Strong Ice in the photo entry
- ask your friends to vote for your entry. Voting is 20% of the contest criteria.
- deadline for submission of entries is on April 8, 2011.
Fore more information or to join this contest, visit the San Mig Strong Ice website. You may also visit the San Mig Strong Ice fan page on Facebook.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
2nd Year of Energy Essay Writing Contest
Join the Energy Essay Writing Contest - Year 2, and get a chance to win as much as 50,000 pesos cash! Cash prizes also await to those who will win in the special categories.
This writing contest is open to all Filipinos 16 to 30 years old and currently enrolled in an academic year (2010-2011) or any undergraduate course or post-graduate (mastery) degree.
The project is an inter-university competition aimed at promoting the young Filipino’s role in attaining sustainable energy independence while maintaining a sound ecosystem. It seeks for views on the new generation’s contribution to having a ‘clean’, efficient as well as sustainable source of energy – for both the oil and electricity sectors. The contest will also look for the youth’s views on the best types of eco-friendly power generation and energy conservation policies and measures to support development.
Entry must be from Filipino citizen, 16-30 years old, enrolled during academic year (2010-2011) or at the entry submission in a four or five-year undergraduate course or post-graduate degree (Master’s level) in a college or university in the country. For the special categories, submission from Filipino students who are studying in universities/colleges abroad are also welcome.
Essay entries must not have been published print or online. A student can only submit one entry for the main category revolving on the theme: Energy Access for More: How Can the Youth Be Involved in Solving the Country’s Energy Challenge?”
The Grand Awardee as well as the winners on the Special Categories from last year’s contest (2009-2010) will no longer be allowed to submit their entries this year.
A complete entry must have the following:
* Accomplished application form with passport size photo
* One-page summary stating career goals and aspirations
* Proof of enrollment in a university/college i.e. photocopy of recent ID or University certification
* Essay containing 1,000 to 1,500 words with the theme:
“Energy Access for More: How Can the Youth Be Involved in Solving the Energy Challenge?”
Criteria for judging
There will be two-level judging for the entries by a panel from the government, private energy companies and the media. The criteria for judging are as follows:
1.1 Substance 40%
1.2 Writing style and clarity of points 30%
1.3 Originality (of concepts and ideas) 30%
*For the top 10 contenders, a panel interview by the judges will be undertaken prior to the ranking of the final winners.
Project Implementation – December 2010 to June 2011
December 6, 2010 – Project Launching
*as part of the National Energy Consciousness Month (Department of Energy) DOE Multi-Purpose Gym
University-Launch Activity - March 2011
Deadline of Submission Of Entries - April 30, 2011
Awarding Rites- June 2011
Submission of Entries: Energy Library Project Office
(By Mail) 9th Floor, Wholesale Electricity Spot Market
Robinsons-Equitable Tower
ADB Avenue, Ortigas, Pasig City
Online Submissions:
Enquiries on the Contest: or contact 0927-9862168
Grand Award Winner - P50,000 plus trophy
Special Categories - P35,000 plus trophy
Special Award Categories
-Clean Energy Solutions
-Enhancing Electricity Market Competitiveness
-Green Workplace
-Best Energy Market Solutions
- you may submit your entry through mail or through e-mail/online. For online submssions, send your entry to
- deadline for submission is on April 30, 2011
For more information about this contest, you may visit the Energy Information Link website. You may also ask more questions through the following contact: through cellphone 0927-9862168 or e-mail at
iShoot! iCecon! iHelp! iWin!
Join the iShoot! iCecon! iHelp! iWin! You can either join the photo contest to win a new Nikon D3100 digital camera, or vote for a cause you believe in and get a chance to win 25,000 cash!
This contest is open to all residing in the Philippines.
There are two ongoing promos:
A. Win a Nikon D3100
Get a Chance to Win a Nikon D3100 with iShoot! iCecon! iHelp! iWin!
1) Capture a photo of an “Extend Yourself” moment of yourself or someone you know helping other people, the community or the environment.
2) Buy a specially-labeled "iCecon! iHelp! iWin!" Cecon 500mg 15-day pack and scratch the gray portion to get the code.
3) Go to, login or register for a new account, and enter the promo code.
4) Click on the Submit Photo button, upload your “Extend Yourself” photo and write a short caption by completing “Cecon keeps me healthy so I can extend myself to (description of cause or activity).” Submission of entries will be from March 1 – April 15, 2011.
5) Ask you friends to visit and “like” your photo. Entry with the highest number of likes will win a Nikon D3100 Digital SLR.
6) Your friends who “like” your photo will also get a chance to win Php 500 worth of prizes weekly. “Liking” will be from March 1 – May 31, 2011.
7) Multiple entries are allowed, provided that each promo code is a unique code, which he or she can get by buying several promo-labeled Ascorbic Acid Cecon 500mg box of 15s.
B. Get a Chance to Win Php 25,000!
1. Get a chance to win Php 25,000 just by voting for the cause you believe in.
2. To join, buy a specially-labeled "iCecon! iHelp! iWin!" Cecon 500mg 15-day pack and scratch the gray portion to get the code.
3. Go to, login or register for a new account, and enter the promo code.
4. Choose the cause that you would like to support and click on the vote button. (The cause that gets the most votes will also be granted Php 25,000!)
5. The Php 25,000 grand prize will be electronically drawn on June 10, 2010.
6. Minor raffle prizes worth Php 1,500 will also be given away weekly.
7. Multiple entries are allowed, provided that each promo code is a unique code, which you can get by buying several promo-labeled Ascorbic Acid Cecon 500mg box of 15s.
- to join the photo contest or electronic raffle, you have to buy a specially labeled "iCecon! iHelp! iWin!" Cecon 500mg 15-day pack and use the promo codes.
- multiple photo entries are allowed provided each entry will have a unique promo code submitted along with your photo entry.
- winner of the photo contest will be based on number of likes
- deadline for the photo contest is on April 15, 2011.
For more information about the contest, visit the website.